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What IS The Deal With Yoga!

For as long as I’ve been alive, yoga has always been popular. It’s a form of movement that has gained a ton of traction here in the west, despite having Indian roots, and it’s held this popularity for decades, at least.

Today, we’re going to look at the real deal with yoga; what it’s all about, how it really works, and whether or not you’re going to get the results you want from yoga.

What IS Yoga?

What we call yoga is Hatha; a specific, physical type of spiritual meditation found in Hindu culture. Hatha Yoga, as it’s known, is all about relaxation through the body, and this is why it’s popular … it’s a great stretching and breathing-centered approach to mobility and recovery.

Hatha Yoga is a whole-body movement process, which is primarily involved in holding a number of positions that can be quite challenging or limited in the beginner. This is because they are posture-demanding, and thus target the development of good posture and movement capacity.

These are often targeting the hips, spine, and shoulders, areas we all know are important and commonly limited in their range.

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